Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Gde Mne Vzjat Takuju Pesnju - Mä mistä löytäisin sen laulun

Merja Rantamäki is known for her personal singing voice described as "gypsy vibrato". Her first recording and her big breakthrough in 1976 was "Mä mistä löytäisin sen laulun" (Where would I find that song). The end of the the 70's was her prime time with 4 succesful albums under her belt. In the beginning of 80's Merja abandoned her singing career and devoted to family life. The original song was called "A Gde Mne Vzjat Takuju Pesnju" (Where do I take this song ) and was recorded by Russian Olga Voronec in the 60's. Olga was a famous mezzo-soprano performing mainly Russian folk songs. In 1956 at the International Folk Festival in France, the Russian folk song "Kalinka" performed by Olga enjoyed such success that the singer was renamed as "Olga-Kalinka". Her voice ranging from delicate pianissimo to powerful forte contributed to her big success in Soviet Union.

Here's the pair:

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